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Information leads to informed parenting - heres the info

Getting to the truth about colic

Is colic still real or is it just a copout? You’ve probably heard at least one person say it wasn’t a real thing anymore. Well, while colic s easily confused with other issues, when looked at through the lens of the true diagnostic criteria, it still has it’s place. Here’s some research on the topic to learn more.

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Your number one sleep resource

When it comes to sleep, being aware of current guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics is key! Take a look at their newest guidelines.

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Car seat safety straight from the source

From your first trip home from the hospital, the doctors appointments, visits to see family and friends and all the trips in between, it is key that we can get from point A to point B safely. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration can help you with that.

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getting to know the developmental milestones

Ever wonder what your baby or child should generally be able to do as they continue to grow? The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention maintains a list of various ages and stages for your reference as your little one grows.

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